Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Preparation before you start dsimantling your PSP

It is recommended that you prepare the following tools. You may not have to use them all, but everything can go much more smoothly with these tools available:

  • Paper and pen for taking note on screw placement

  • Small flat head screwdriver

  • Small Phillips head screwdriver

  • Needle nose pliers (good for picking up dropped tiny screws)

  • Flat and clean white surface (easier to see small parts)

  • Digital camera for documentation, it would be helpful when you have trouble reassembling your PSP.

You also have to make these preparation:

  • Remove the battery when instructed and leave it out when taking apart the PSP. In addition, do not attempt to plug in any power source to the PSP until it is fully reassembled. You can easily fry critical parts of PSP.

  • Use extreme care when releasing circuit strip/ribbon catches, since they can easily break.

  • Do not drink or eat around the open PSP. A shower of cola on your dismantled PSP would be a kiss of death.

  • Do this in a quiet area. There is nothing like a hyper-naughty kid, slobbering pet, or three-foot drop to turn your PSP into a $250 paperweight.

  • Be careful how much dust is in the air. Since your PSP will be apart, it is easy for that dust to cause problems at a later date if it takes up residence inside the device.

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